About the Artist

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Hello! I’m Cristin.

               (aka: Pan).
I am a mixed media artist,  art journaler, artist instructor, guitarist and coffee enthusiast.
I currently live in Kansas City, Missouri.  Since leaving the corporate world in January of 2015 I have been diligently pursuing art full time. I have had  artist features locally and a opportunity to expand instructing in online workshops.
I also am proud to be a design team member for Bad Girls Couture and a Brand Ambassador for Donna Downey Studios.
Whether it be a commissioned painting, a mixed media piece, a page in my art journal… I am constantly creating. I love painting intuitively, painting portraits, creating whimsy, and using art as my “therapy”.
Art is the way that I express myself, capture moments and release and I love sharing that with other people.
 My aim is to never be content – to never stop learning, and never stop creating.
Until next time.

tortured souls rs